Riding Easy Records

Riding Easy Records


With over 145 releases, over 30 bands and a million tears, we’ve done it. Thank you for hanging with us for ten whole years. In 2013, we decided to take the plunge and launch this dream to put out independent rock and roll, heavy and hard, inspired by bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix, and labels like Man’s Ruin, Third Man Records, and Rise Above…. It was just an idea.

We want to thank everyone for believing, laughing and listening to the music we care about and the bands that we love. The past 10 years have really gone by so fast, and yet release number one seems like forever ago. The label started out as a fun thing and quickly turned into a real situation. There has been so many talented people we have had the pleasure of working with, and continue to have the pleasure of working with. We won’t be slowing down anytime soon, and could never have come this far with out you the listeners, the vinyl heads, and the friends that have continued to support this dream. This weekend is dedicated to you, our lowest prices on everything ever as a thank you for all the support through the years.