Bloody Panda

Bloody Panda

Year Formed: 2004

Active: Still Playing

Genre: Doom

Label: None


The band was formed in 2003 by Yoshiko Ohara, an established visual artist based in Osaka, Japan, who "decided to spend her savings on a trip to New York City, brand new recording equipment in tow, with the idea that she’d move to America to make music, this despite the unfortunate fact that she didn’t know how to play an instrument of any kind." Ohara then posted advertisements for band members that read, "Seeking guitarist, bassist and drummer to form the biggest band in the world, as soon as possible. Must have dark personalities." One such ad posted in a local record store, caught the attention of trio Josh Rothenberger (guitar), Bryan Camphire (bass), and Blake McDowell (organ), who responded and subsequently joined Ohara's project, ultimately rounded out by "respected jazz and world music drummer/percussion-ist/tabla-ist" Dan Weiss.